You can sponsor a dependent child or a child you plan to adopt for Permanent Residency in Canada. Currently, the eligible age for a dependent is 18 or younger, however the government of Canada have been considering to increase the age to 21 or younger sometime in the near future.
You can sponsor if you are:
At least 18 years of age
A Canadian permanent resident living in Canada or a Canadian citizen
Not in prison, bankrupt, under a removal order (if a permanent resident) or charged with a serious offence
Requirements for sponsored child
Dependent child is 21 years old or younger, and not married or in a common-law relationship.
If dependent child is 22 or older, they must satisfy one of the following in order to be considered a dependent:
suffer from a physical or mental disability and has been financially dependent on the support of the parents since before the age of 22
Requirements for the nature of the relationship
The child is the biological child of the parent and has not been adopted by another person
The child is adopted by the parent
Need Help?
Contact us for more information about the Dependent Sponsorship application process or for assistance in preparing an application.
Dependent Child Sponsorship